
Player Profile / Statistics Summary

Member of Clan None Points 1326 skill_up.gif
Player ID 19120 Kills 42
Unique ID(s) STEAM_0:1:1940171 Deaths 15
Last Connect* No info Suicides 0
Total Connection Time* Kills per Death 2.80
Average Ping Teammate Kills* 0
  Weapon Accuracy 0.00%

Rank (ordered by Points) Direct Link

Active players and no Bots 6183
All players and no Bots 6183
All players and with Bots 6183

Profile Direct Link

Username  Real Name Not specified myspace  MySpace Not specified
email  E-mail Address Not specified Facebook  Facebook Not specified
website  Home Page Not specified jabber  Jabber Not specified
ICQ  ICQ Number Not specified steam  Steam Profile Not specified
skype  Skype username Not specified    

Aliases Direct Link

Name Used Last Use Kills Deaths Kills per Death Suicides
asC32005-07-06 13:57:5625102.500
noscoped12005-07-03 15:26:52010.000
seek332005-07-03 15:25:231744.250
CHEESE NUTS12005-06-29 15:29:48000.000
seek12005-04-14 16:56:13000.000


Player event histories cover only the last  10 days. Items marked "Last  10 Days" or "*" above are generated from the player's Event History. Player kill, death and suicide totals and points ratings cover the entire recorded period.

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